Carve a Woody with Mike - 6

As I progress with the carving I will post photos and some description
of the processes that I have used. Just left-click on the small pictures to
see a larger image

I hope you will join me in the fun!

Texturing with a pyrographic pen takes the most time of any of the steps in the project. Half of the breast is finished as well as most of the back and the right side pocket.
(left-click on the picture for a larger view)
One of the nice things you can do as you texture with a pyro pen is slightly relieve some of the feathers. This adds interest for the viewer when the carving is painted.
(left-click on the picture for a larger view)
I've tried to make the back of the carving soft and interesting as well. There are a number of relieved feathers on the coverts done be under-burning with the pyrographic pen.
(left-click on the picture for a larger view)
