Canvasback Drake Detail Gallery


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Details of the Canvasback Drake Carving
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1 A shot of the carving in progress. Shaping and feather groups are all laid out and texturing has begun.
Close up showing details of the head with texturing completed and the burning just begun. 2
5 A view of the finished head of the Canvasback Drake.
"Here's Looking at You!" A close up of the finished Canny head. Note the fine texture on the feathers between the eye and the bill. 4
6 The side pockets and tail of the finished carving.
A close up of the rear of the side pocket feathers showing more detail of the feather work and the vermiculation (fine lines) painting. Note the silver coloured speculum feathers with white dots and black edging. 7
3 The tail feathers have been burnt and the texturing of the rump feathers has just begun. Note the thickness of the tail feathers. I do not take these feathers down to the finished thickness until all the texturing is completed. This prevents breakage with all the handling.
This is a similar view of the tail and rump but the painting is completed. 8