Blue Winged Teal Drake Detail Gallery (click on an image to see a larger view)


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Painting on Details

The Ble Winged Teal has light side pockets with dark spots. Each feather is painted instead of carving in the detail.

Back & Side Pocket Detail

On a 'smoothie' each part of the feather must be painted on rather than just putting paint over textured detail

Tail Feathers

On a 'smoothie' the tail is just a smooth area so the detail of the tail feathers must be painted on.

Front View of Blue Wing Teal

A view of the head and breast of the Blue Wing Teal Drake

Side View of Rump & Tail

A view of the side of the Blue Wing Teal showing the end of the side Pocket, the rump and other feathers.

In for a Swim

I took the Blue Wing TGeal Drake out and floated him in my backyard pond. If you look closely you can see some fish.